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June 18, 2009

DWP Info Phone Line and Web Site Now Active

DWP LogoThe DWP has activated its special phone line and website to allow residents to find out what their water usage allotment is. This will allow residents to determine if they need to conserve more water to avoid the higher rates under the DWP's water shortage measures.

DWP Phone Line: (800) Dial DWP

Los Angeles is suffering a serious drought plus significant water supply shortages.
To boost conservation, DWP has implemented higher water-shortage rates and lawn watering restrictions. About 85% of single-family homes and 99% of apartment buildings in the 12th District will remain in the lowest water usage tier, so their rates won't go up.

Single-family households are allocated a certain amount of water at the lowest rate – Tier 1. This allotment is determined by three things: lot size, location and number of household members. The higher rate is for every additional gallon of water used above that. This means that you will not be penalized if you have already been conserving water, because the Tier is not set based on your own use.

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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