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September 8, 2014

2014 Congress of Neighborhoods: September 20

Neighborhood Council leaders from throughout the city have partnered with the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (EmpowerLA) in bringing the 2014 LA Congress of Neighborhoods to City Hall on Saturday, September 20, from 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The event is free, and it includes breakfast and lunch, workshops, networking, and more.

Register Now

Los Angeles has 95 certified neighborhood councils and the Congress of Neighborhoods is designed by council leaders so that there is something for everybody, from curious stakeholders to new board members to seasoned veterans of the civic engagement process to city hall insiders.

The theme this year is “Keys to Success” and this will be your opportunity to network with elected and appointed City officials, City department managers, staff and Neighborhood Council leaders from across the City. This is our Congress of Neighborhoods at City Hall.

Whether you’re brand new to your Neighborhood Council or have been around for a few years, there’s something for you at the Congress: resources and networking, great ideas, real life experiences and opportunities where Neighborhood Councils have made a difference and where they would like to make a difference in their communities, for themselves and beyond.

The Congress is designed so you can take something (or many things) back immediately and put them to use for yourself and your community. Below is a sample of the workshop topics to be included at the 2014 Keys to Success event:

Meet Your City Officials
Developing Leadership Skills
Outreach and Technology Guidelines
Ethics Training
Finance Training
Interactive Problem Solving
Disaster Preparedness events
Neighborhood Purpose Grants
Public Works Roundtable
Committees – where the work gets done
Working with non profits for community improvement
Land Use 101 and 102
Animal Welfare
What’s Important to your neighborhood?
Opening the Door
and more….

The NC Congress is organized by and for NC Congress Leaders. Mark your calendar and register now for this all day event! More info can be found at or contact Cindy Cleghorn, Chair of the Congress Planning Committee, at


Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
© 2003-2025 Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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