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September 12, 2014

Local Solar Program Workshop - September 23

Join LADWP for a special community and stakeholder workshop on LADWP’s Local Solar Programs. This is an opportunity to learn about the status of our robust Feed-in Tariff Programs (FiT50 & FiT100) and Solar Incentive Program. LADWP plans to engage participants on exciting plans to expand FiT and create a brand-new Community Solar Program.

LADWP John Ferraro Building: A-Level Lobby
111 North Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Session 1: Feed-in Tarrif Program
3:00 – 5:00 pm
FiT offers contracts for eligible renewable energy projects located in LADWP’s electric service territory. Learn how to utilize your large rooftops for solar installations and sell the clean energy to LADWP’s grid!
• FiT 50 – Beacon Bundled Solar (Q3 2014 – Q4 2016)
• FiT 100 – 5th Allocation (Q1 2015) Expanded FiT (Q3 2015)

Session 2: Solar Incentive and Community Solar Programs
6:30 – 8:30 pm
The Solar Incentive and proposed Community Solar programs both provide customers the ability to invest in solar energy and reduce their electric bill.
• Solar Incentive Program – Customers install their own solar on their property for their own consumption.
• Community Solar – LADWP will build large community solar installations on City property for customers that are unable to do so themselves for various reasons, and allow participants to utilize the energy generated from the installations for their own consumption.

RSVP: Please visit for more details and to RSVP.

Webinar: For those who cannot attend in person, the workshop will be set up as a webinar. Details will be posted at


Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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