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October 20, 2017

Los Angeles Transit Neighborhood Plans (LATNP) Program Workshops

The City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning is exploring ideas to encourage vibrant communities and employment hubs around the region’s growing transit network through the Los Angeles Transit Neighborhood Plans (LATNP) program. The planning effort looks out to the year 2040 and considers how new land use and zoning regulations for the neighborhoods around five Orange Line stations can promote active, walkable places and achieve State objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by planning for growth near transit. At these open houses, the community will have an opportunity to learn about:

• Community input received at workshops held in July 2016
• How community input is being incorporated into the initial concepts
• What the next steps in the planning process are


Both meetings will consist of an overview presentation, followed by an open house featuring stations covering each geographic area. Drop in any time during the open house to learn about the plan and provide feedback.

If you are unable to attend a meeting, visit to:
• View materials and learn about the planning effort
• Provide feedback and ideas
• Sign up for the interest list

Laura Krawczyk

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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