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November 10, 2017

Be a Food Waste Warrior, Join the Los Angeles Food Waste Grant Challenge

The City of Los Angeles is proud to announce a new Food Waste Grant Challenge as part of the City’s ongoing efforts to divert waste from landfills. Over 40% of edible food moving through LA goes to waste, yet more than half a million Angelenos struggle with food insecurity. Wasted food is a social, environmental and economic problem. Combating food waste regenerates resources, saves money for households, and feeds people.

Grant proposals are due on December 8, 2017. Awards will be announced in mid-December, with a target start date of all projects on January 22, 2018. Project categories include food waste prevention, food donation, upcycled use (including animal feed or fuel) and composting.

For more details, visit

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Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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