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March 4, 2022

Healthy Buildings, Healthy Places Program

The Los Angeles City Planning Urban Design Studio invites your participation in their upcoming workshops regarding the Healthy Buildings, Healthy Places program. Since its introduction in 2021, LA City Planning has developed a strategy to implement healthy building and climate-adapted site design through an update to the City's landscape ordinance. Please join the department for one of their 3 upcoming workshops and give your feedback on the plan. Click here for more information and to register.

The Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles

The Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles lays the foundation to create healthier communities for all Angelenos. As an Element of the General Plan, it provides high-level policy vision, along with measurable objectives and implementation programs, to elevate health and environmental justice as a priority for the City’s future growth and development.

The plan was formally adopted in 2015 and contains several components. You can access a PDF of the Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles, which details the Goals, Policies, Objectives, and implementation Programs related to health and environmental justice. The plan was influenced by several supporting documents. This includes a citywide Health Atlas, which quantifies and communicates several different metrics of community vulnerability to shape appropriate policy interventions. The city also released an interactive version of the Health Atlas, which includes health-focused profiles by Community Plan Area.

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16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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