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December 2, 2016

City Takes Steps to Protect Immigrant Residents

In a move to ensure the quality of life in the nation's second largest city, and to protect LA's highly diverse communities and residents, the City Council recently approved the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Immigrant Affairs.

In addition to the committee's creation, the Council's proposal urged the following:

  • Creating a new Immigrant Advocate position in the city;
  • Defining the term "sanctuary city" and how that might apply to LA;
  • Identifying and categorizing all federal grants, loans, and other funding that the City of Los Angeles currently receives;
  • Identifying all stale laws applicable to immigration and relevant to the City of Los Angeles that may come into conflict with potential changes in federal law; and
  • Identifying all federal laws applicable to immigration and relevant to the City of Los Angeles that are currently enacted and not being enforced.

The City Council will hear an update on these issues in January 2017.

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