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September 10, 2007

GHNNC Celebrates 5th Anniversary

Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council (GHNNC) obtained certification from the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) on September 10, 2002. After two years of discussing the NC system, our community decided it would be a great idea and would eventually be a very useful tool. We  held our first organizing meeting in June, 2001.  It was a long and arduous process and there were many community members who contributed hours upon hours of volunteer work to get every aspect of the expectations and procedures of BONC completed, organized and done properly.  We felt then and still feel that our community is special; therefore we took time to try and make it the most fair and best Neighborhood Council we could be.

There are many stakeholders and board members or former board members who should be thanked for being there from the very first organizing meeting and worked so incredibly hard; without them it wouldn’t have been able to happen. In alphabetical order, these people were the most instrumental in starting this brand new City branch of community-based government - they were either on the steering committee, quickly took over other committees, and helped get the word out to everyone within our boundaries and to other citywide NC’s.  Some of them got elected to the first board and others either still sit on the board or have stayed involved:  Wayne Aller, Teresa Anderson, Becky Bendikson, Dave Bendikson, Patrick Casparian, Greg Chaussee, Karen Chaussee, Mary Ellen Crosby, Rick Driscoll, Mary Edwards, Ginger Fong, Sid Gold, Michael Greenwald, David Hood, Harriet Hood, Wayde Hunter, Joshua Jordahl, Mary Anna Kienholz, Frank Kiesler, Vaune Kirby, Ralph Kroy, Scott Manatt, Sharon Manatt, Cherie Mann, Dave Parikh, Ben Pedrick, Bob Ricketts, Sheva, Susan Tipton, Kim Thompson, Joe Vitti, Nicole Wilkin, Donna Zero, Tony Zero, and Anne Ziliak in addition to all of the former and current board members.

At the BONC meeting on December 2, 2008, we were given our 5-year certificate from BONC (one year late). At the meeting, Leon Marzillier and Kim Thompson reported on Best Practices learned from other NC's, what we feel we’ve done successfully and where we felt we were lacking. Some members and stakeholders were there during the meeting. Congratulations to everyone involved in GHNNC!

GHNNC accepting our award


Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
© 2003-2025 Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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