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July 7, 2009

Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Approves GHNNC Boundary Petition

To All Interested Stakeholders -

We are pleased to report that, at Monday October 19th's 11:30am meeting in City Hall, BONC approved the Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council's Boundary Adjustment Petition.

This means that the GHNNC's western boundary now extends to the western edge of Aliso Canyon, overlapping the Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council's boundary, which reaches the eastern edge of the canyon.

Despite the extremely short notice, four GHHNC Stakeholders managed to make it to the meeting. A big "thank you" to Eric Rosenberg, Sue DeVandry, Kim Thompson, and Barbara Iversen for their time and essential support!

We're confident that all GHNNC Stakeholders look forward to collaborating with the PRNC on issues that affect both of our Neighborhood Councils, and believe our respective organizations have been strengthened by this alliance.

The bottom line is that Aliso Canyon wins, now having the formal oversight of two Neighborhood Councils.

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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