Over the past few of months, the City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning conducted meetings throughout the City in order to hear public comments and discuss issues related to retaining walls in Los Angeles. Click here for the slideshow presented at these meetings, and a summary of the comments received to date. This information will be used as the basis for development of the new Retaining Wall Ordinance.
Note: Although the presentation looks slightly different than what was presented at the meetings, the content is essentially the same.
If you did not get a chance to attend any of the public Kick-Off Meetings, this is your opportunity to review the information presented and received, and submit your early input. The early comment period will be left open until Friday, October 14, 2011. If you feel a comment was omitted or not noted properly, or you would like to bring up any additional issues/comments please send an email to david.olivo@lacity.org (email preferred), or a letter to:
David Olivo
Department of City Planning
200 N. Spring St., Room 701
Los Angeles, CA 90012
If you cannot get your written comments in by the current deadline, we will continue to accept them. Although they may not be part of the early input, they will still be considered as the project moves forward.
What’s Next?
Over the next few weeks we will be developing a draft of the Retaining Wall Ordinance. This will incorporate comments from the public meetings as well as any of those we receive through October 14. Once we are ready to present the draft ordinance to the public, we will hold workshops to discuss the language with stakeholders. You will be notified in the future as to when these meetings will take place.
Please keep in mind there will be other opportunities to submit comments in the near future in the subsequent Public Workshop phase and Public Hearing/Approval Process.
If you received this email via a forwarded message and you want to obtain updates directly from the Department, please email david.olivo@lacity.org and ask to be added to the interest list. Please type “Add Me To The Retaining Wall Interest List” in the subject line and provide your group/organization/company affiliations and contact information (please include at least a zip code).
For Facebook users, please look at the website www.facebook.com/LACityCodeStudies for updates on this ordinance and others that are currently in process within the Code Studies unit. Also, feel free to forward this information to anyone you feel may be interested.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact David Olivo at david.olivo@lacity.org or 213-473-9769.