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March 3, 2012

CD12 Office Has Relocated

Councilman Mitchell Englander's staff is consolidating their Northridge and Chatsworth offices into a single location in Chatsworth.

The new District Office address is:
9207 Oakdale Ave.
Chatsworth, CA 91311

The new office will be more centrally located in our District. In addition to housing their District operations, staff offices, constituent services and meetings, the new office will also feature a Constituent Service Center, where residents can meet one-on-one with representatives from various City Departments to get assistance with certain City services. CD12 will announce details on that service in coming weeks.

The CD12 (818) 701-5253 phone number will be disconnected on March 5 and on March 12, it will connect to their new office. Their (818) 756-8501 phone number will be disconnected on March 12, but it will have a recorded message giving their new phone number for one year.

The main phone number of the new District Office will be (818) 882-1212. It will be activated on March 12.

You can still reach the CD12 City Hall Office at (213) 473-7012 and

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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