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June 1, 2012

Update on AB 2231 - Important Legislation for LA Homeowners

Fellow Angelenos,

I wanted to update you on the great news about AB 2231! It just passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee earlier today.

As you know, the City of LA is proposing to shift the responsibility for fixing sidewalks as a result of tree damage from the City, to homeowners.  My bill, AB 2231, will require the City or County of Los Angeles to repair any sidewalk that is damaged as a result of trees.  It would also prohibit the City or County from imposing a fee on you – the property owner— for the repair.  As we all know, in most of these cases the City or County was the one who planted the trees that have caused the extensive sidewalk damage, and I think they should have to repair it.  This bill would also ensure that homeowners are not liable to law suits from people who trip and fall outside of your home because of a sidewalk damaged by tree roots.  Particularly during these difficult economic times, it is simply unfair for you to be held liable for that.

It will now go before the full State Assembly for a vote next week.

If you have questions about this or any other piece of legislation, please contact my office.

Thank you,

Felipe Fuentes
Assemblymember – AD 39
9300 Laurel Canyon Blvd., First Floor
Arleta, California 91331
(818) 504-3911
Fax: (818)

One comment on “Update on AB 2231 - Important Legislation for LA Homeowners”

  1. I would like to know if AB 2231 applies to only Los Angeles county or does i cover the entire state. In Antioch the city is splitting the cost with homeowners for sidewalk repair and removal of trees. The homeowners then must pick a replacement tree from a list of trees supplied by the city. It would be nice to know the city would have to pick up the tab and not me

    Michael Landon

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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