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November 15, 2013

Update from Devonshire Community Police Station

Los Angeles is prone to 13 of 16 possible federally-identified natural and man-made threats. Los Angeles is particularly vulnerable to the destructive affects wildfires, flooding, mudslides and earthquakes. Here in the Los Angeles area (particularly our Devonshire Area), wildfires and earthquakes can be part of our everyday lives.

Unpredictable wind conditions in Los Angeles can cause dense brush and dry hillsides and canyons. These areas are prone to bursting quickly into flames, starting deadly wildfires.

  • Wildfires are most common in the summer, fall and during droughts when branches, leaves and other materials dry out, leaving them susceptible to catching fire.
  • Earthquakes can strike at any time. Our last major one was in January 1994. That’s nearly 20 years ago and we should be prepared now!

Your Los Angeles Police and Fire Departments are always training and preparing for such situations and have our internal Standing Plans. LAPD’s job during times of disaster is to respond to calls of major importance, assess our critical locations and assist the LAFD in all their duties. In the event evacuations become necessary, we will assist under the direction of FD. Both fire and police will have additional info for the community regarding shelters and various services.

GET PREPARED. GET READY. ---The City of Los Angeles cannot be truly prepared without a prepared community. This is achieved with:

Personal Readiness – It is your responsibility. Only you can ensure you are ready.

  • Assembling emergency supply kits for our homes, work and cars
  • Having and practicing a family disaster plan for home or when at work/school
  • Your emergency supply kit and your plan should reflect personal sustainability for a minimum of 72 hours
  • Consider needs of small children, seniors, family members with disabilities
  • Pets should be included in this planning process

Neighborhood Readiness – Your neighbor could be your first responder. Take time now to meet and talk to your neighbors about the importance of preparedness. Just think what would happen if you are stranded in your neighborhood for days or weeks. Getting to know your neighbors and the skills and resources within your community could very well save your life.

Neighborhood Councils – Many are looking for ways to make a difference in their communities on the issues they care about, such as disaster readiness. Participating in a neighborhood council is one way residents, business owners and property owners can advocate directly for real change in their communities. Neighborhood councils are city-certified local groups made up of people who live, work, own property or have some other connection to a neighborhood.

Know what resources and trainings are available and how to access them – Find out which organizations and services are already in your area.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT): Take your preparedness to the next level. CERT training will teach you skills that can keep you and your family safe. Reinforce your preparedness and awareness with seminars on issues like terrorism and disaster psychology while learning response skills such as light urban search and rescue, triage/disaster medical treatment.

·Ask your Senior Lead Officers for more info on these types of resources.

-LAPD Devonshire Community Police Station

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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