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April 15, 2014

Alert! Imposters Are Scamming LADWP Customers By Phone

Persistent phone scammers are deceiving LADWP customers into paying non-existent water and power bills with threats of immediate service shut off. Don’t fall victim to phone scammers posing as LADWP “collection” personnel.

  • LADWP employees will NEVER ask for personal payment information over the telephone. They will never ask you to purchase pre-paid cash cards from a convenience store to pay your utility bill.
  • Payment by telephone can ONLY happen through the Department’s voice automated payment system, not with live employees. LADWP personnel do not accept payment information verbally over the telephone.
  • If you get a call asking for a cash card or credit card number or other personal financial information, hang up and call LAPD.

Safety and service excellence are of utmost importance to LADWP. Victimization of our customers will not be tolerated. Impostors can expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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