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July 8, 2014

Street Blitz to Fix Potholes in GHNNC Area

The Neighborhood Council Initiative (known to us as the Street Blitz), run by the Bureau of Street Services (BSS), is back! Our area will be assigned a two-person crew on a hot asphalt truck to patch street potholes, pop-outs, small eroded or cracked areas, and do minor curb and sidewalk patching. No, the crew is not equipped to handle tree roots that have damaged the street, nor are they able to do any major repair for uplifted sidewalks.

Our turn is coming up real soon. They can do about 15 locations, so we’re looking for the worst spots that can be patched. We’re asking for your help in preparing that list for submission to BSS. Since this is based on Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council boundaries, the locations MUST be north of the 118 freeway, west of the 405 freeway, and east of Aliso Canyon, up to the County line.

Please make your submission no later than Saturday, July 12. Include the type of repair (pothole, pop-out, etc.), the address (preferred) or intersection, and which side of the street (north bound, east side, etc.). The more info you can provide, the less time spent by BSS trying to find the location. Remember, potholes and minor repairs only. Tree root damage is out, as are streets and sidewalks that require more extensive repairs.

Send your request to

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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