There have been several Residential Burglaries in the past week within a mile range of Frost Middle School (area of Bradford/Nugent) and in the residential neighborhood just North of Louise/Rinaldi. These incidents have occurred within a wide time spectrum, between 7:30 am and midnight, with a couple of confirmed night time incidents.
Locations were all single family residences and all homes were accessed by smashing a glass window or door. Most prominent property taken has been money and jewelry.
Therefore, please:
- Take every precaution in securing your property and be highly aware of your surroundings.
- Look for vehicles and activity which is unusual for your neighborhood.
- Take the time as you go in/out of your home to scan the street; you are looking for something that looks out of place. It could be a parked vehicle with people just sitting in it, an unfamiliar vehicle in a neighbor's driveway or a pedestrian going from door to door.
- If you see this type of activity pay attention and evaluate the situation.
- The question is "what do you think is going on?" If you suspect criminal activity don't hesitate and phone the police right away. It is better to err in the side of caution than to let a potentially dangerous situation develop without reporting it. Use 911 for all emergencies and crimes in progress. Use the direct dispatch line for all non-emergency calls by dialing 1-877-275-5273.
- Everyone should have the direct dispatch number on their cell phones. Do not call Devonshire Desk or any other number to get police response. You should only be using 911 or direct dispatch, depending on the urgency of the situation.
- Don't confront or expose yourself to danger.
- Don't leave your front door open or unlocked but do announce you are home if you get a knock on the door.
- Don't store excessive valuables in your home and record serial numbers of all electronics, firearms etc. Do take photos of you jewelry.
- And finally be sure to remove any garage door openers from your parked vehicle, especially when the vehicle will be left overnight in front of the home or in the driveway.
Visit to track crime in your area.
Be safe and please share this information with your neighbors.