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April 23, 2016

Los Angeles City Budget

The Mayor’s proposed City Budget has been released and will be reviewed by the City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee during intensive hearings that begin on Wednesday, April 27th at 9 a.m. in the City Council chambers in City Hall.

The $8.76 million proposed Budget strives to increase efficiency and services in a variety of areas, begin the process of bringing civilians into LAPD’s ranks to allow more sworn officers to be on patrol, inject more muscle and compassion into the City’s attempt to deal with homelessness, and start a wholesale updating of Community Plans across Los Angeles, among many other things.

If you’d like to check out the Budget, please visit:

2 comments on “Los Angeles City Budget”

  1. He is now proposing to restore cuts he made in 2012 that impacted the LAPD, and is trying to make it sound like no one else saw a problem in it. What a leader. They cut 159 civilian jobs but not the work they were doing, so of course it meant pulling officers off the street to get it done.

    Right now the jail at Devonshire is used for storage. When someone is arrested the officers need to drive over to Van Nuys and get online with all of the officers from all of the other divisions that are waiting to book their prisoners. It can add hours on to the process, especially in traffic. Getting that jail open again would make a huge difference in response time and morale.

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