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May 17, 2016

Citrus Sunday - May 22, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016
9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Drop off fruit at GHNNC Office
11139 Woodley Ave
Granada Hills, CA 91344

You are invited to join CD12, the Valley Interfaith Council, Food forward, and other local Neighborhood Councils to participate in Citrus Sunday by picking oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus fruit from your trees and dropping them off to your local Neighborhood Council location. 100% of your donations will be delivered to local food pantries.

For more information please call (818) 882-1212 or email To register your fruit trees for Citrus Sunday or any time of year, call (818) 530-4125 or go to


Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
© 2003-2025 Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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