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November 16, 2016

Public Meeting Tonight to Discuss Large Development Project in Granada Hills

Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 6:30PM

Granada Hills High School Room A7
10535 Zelzah Ave
Granada Hills, CA 91344

The Department of City Planning and the Granada Hills Specific Plan Design Review Board invite you to attend a meeting regarding the proposed projects identified below. The law requires that property owners and residents living next to the project site be notified of this hearing. If you do not wish to attend the hearing, you may ignore this notice. The hearing involves the projects described below:

Case Nos. DIR-2016-3076-DRB-SPP-DB-SPR
Address: 16201-16301 San Fernando Mission Blvd. and 11147-11155 Woodley Ave.
Applicant: Marc Annotti, Harridge Development Group
Representative: Erika Iverson, Rosenheim & Associates, Inc.

Project Description: The project proposes the demolition of an existing shopping center and associated parking lots, and the construction, use, and maintenance of a new 500,000 square-foot mixed-use development consisting of 440 residential dwelling units and 64,650 square feet of commercial space, having a total of 937 on-site parking spaces within one basement and one subterranean level of parking on a 7.95 acre site. The project will be a maximum of 54 feet in height. The project is concurrently requesting a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for the merger and re-subdivision of the project site for condominium purposes. ghspagenda-november-2016-1-3-1ghspagenda-november-2016-1-3-2 o 5013852 4768326 granada

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Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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