We were notified recently that the Planning Department will be postponing the Advisory Agency hearing set for this Tuesday, December 6.
In addition to the requests by the NCs and the Council Office, the applicant also stepped up and agreed to the hearing postponement, in recognition of the community's interest in the matter.
New notices will be sent for a new hearing, likely to be set for January.
The project proposes the demolition of an existing shopping center and associated parking lots, and the construction, use, and maintenance of a new 500,000 square-foot mixed-use development consisting of 440 residential dwelling units and 64,650 square feet of commercial space, having a total of 937 onsite parking spaces within one basement and one subterranean level of 194 parking on a 7.95 acre site. The project will be a maximum of 54 feet in height. The project is concurrently requesting a Vesting Tentative Tract Map for the merger and resubdivision of the project site for condominium purposes.
Stakeholders in Granada HIlls may also be affected in terms of traffic impact, increased density, and parking.
Supplements could be found on: https://drive.google.com/
drive/folders/ 0Bz7Sk2OybUmGaVFZNGxoNUJqMTQ? usp =sharing
I dont like this one bit
No way do we want this
Only way we will defeat this project is if we make everyone aware. Pass it along, go to the meetings and most important call or write our CD12 Mitchell Englander.
Not too happy about this, planning on calling Mitchell Englander
I have been in this area since 1958 ... This project is too much for this area!! This is NOT the same as the intersection of Balboa & SF Mission ... I fear the developer is in bed with Mr Englander. Hold your ground area residents !! This is not a good thing for you.