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January 18, 2017

STOP 440 – What’s Next?

Next community meeting: Tuesday, January 24th, 6:30 PM

Granada Hills Women’s Club
10666 White Oak Avenue
Granada Hills, CA 91344

The proposal for a mixed-use development at San Fernando Mission and Woodly has sparked a strong neighborhood reaction.

On Friday January 13, Councilmember Englander met with the developer and some neighborhood representatives (the two neighborhood councils and the Chamber). This effort to decrease the size of the proposed development and to bring the two sides closer together, succeeded only partially.

The developer offered to decrease by a net of 50 apartments, and also changing the mix so that the decrease came from the number of studio apartments. The driveway near the school would also be moved and be separated by a landscape berm, affording greater visibility to cars entering and leaving. The moving of the driveway would also result in the loss of about 2,000 sq ft of commercial space.

The neighborhood representatives did not find this to be sufficient change, so another meeting is to be set. The expectation is that the developer will consider what he heard and come up with perhaps another proposal.

There is a request to move the February 7th hearing date to early April, but the developer must agree. We hope to find out this week what the final date will be.

The topics to be considered at the hearing have broadened to a discussion of the whole project, not just the possible merging of the underlying parcels.

Since this will be the ONLY public hearing (except perhaps for appeals), and since there is an expectation that each speaker will have a very limited time (1 to 2 minutes depending on the number of speakers), it is essential to coordinate efforts so that all topics are covered. That is the main purpose of the meeting January 24th – to coordinate who will speak on what topic.

For participation at some of the neighbor outreach efforts, and to participate in these programs, please contact Esther Chung at

For more information, see related articles on this website:

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Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
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