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August 6, 2023

Join the Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council!

Apply for one of the following vacant board seats:

• Student Representative: This Director, a student between the ages of fourteen(14) and seventeenth (17) on the date of the s/election living within or attending a school within the Neighborhood.

• Small Business and Workers Representative: Stakeholder who is actively involved in a business employing seventy-five (75) or fewer workers in a facility that is physically located within the Neighborhood.

• Residents Associations Representative: District Three Stakeholder who is an actively involved member of a homeowner, condominium, townhouse, apartment, or renter’s association that holds regular meetings (at least four (4) times annually) and whose property lies within the Neighborhood.

• Neighborhood Organization Representative: This Director is a Stakeholder who participates in a community-based organization, including but not limited to a religious institution, educational institution, non-profit organization, neighborhood association, school/parent group, faith-based group, senior group, youth group, arts association, service organization, boys or girls club, cultural group, or environmental group within the NC boundaries

• District Two Seat Lives, works, or owns real property within the boundaries of the neighborhood council; or is a Community Interest Stakeholder, defined as an individual who is a member of or participates in a Community Organization within the boundaries of the neighborhood council

• District Three Seats (5 Seats): Lives, works, or owns real property within the boundaries of the neighborhood council; or is a Community Interest Stakeholder, defined as an individual who is a member of or participates in a Community Organization within the boundaries of the neighborhood council

If you are interested, please contact Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate Alfonso Manzo at 213-935-5099 or via email:

More info:

Mailing address:
16911 San Fernando Mission Blvd, PMB 137
Granada Hills, CA 91344-4250
© 2003-2025 Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council. All Rights Reserved. Site by Concept To Web.
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